XI Mostra Internazionale di Caricatura Calligrafica
Idea di Raffaele Palma con la collaborazione di Piero Ferraris e Tullio Macrì
La giuria: Irene Fornari e Roberto Mangosi
The caricatures of famous people are made with the letters that make up their names. The caricatured portrait, made with the characters of writing, is defined logomorphism or logomorphous.

Loukas Athanasiadis (Greece) – Ester Lauringson (Estonia) – Mentor Berisha (Kosova) – Piero Ferraris (Italy) – Raffaele Palma (Italy) – Claudio Puglia (Italy) – Mariagrazia Quaranta (Italy) – Laura Rezza (Italy) – Ugo Sajini (Italy) – Ornella Zen (Italy)
La vincitrice della XI Edizione “Sfacciati” è:
Winner: Mariagrazia Quaranta (Italy)